Parenting is a challenge in this decade.
The parenting journey evolves through diverse seasons. Image: Unsplash.
Parenting is a difficult achievement worth supporting and celebrating in this decade. Every generation had challenges. But today's parents don't have it easy. Today's era should inspire gratitude towards parents of children. Parents have an opportunity to have compassion for themselves.
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Dear parents, whoever you are, wherever you are, you are most likely trying your best to cope with diverse situations in this world.
The Pandemic of COVID-19 Coronavirus
Much has been said in global discussion to sympathise with parents in the pandemic. It is one of multiple forces changing the experiences of parenting. Every parent deserves recognition and support for coping with the ongoing pandemic. We are getting on with life how we can. But things aren't completely back to how they were.
COVID has been around for more than a year. Life is not back to normal everywhere. Expectations have shifted throughout this pandemic. New South Wales had a phase in which masks became mandatory in shops. That is not the rule anymore, although they are needed in other circumstances. Even as that settles, a normal runny nose probably has to stay away from venues now. Meanwhile, particular community groups have to follow rules for COVID. This changed the ways in which parents are able to give their children social experiences. Parents continue in adapting to a COVID/post-COVID world. The act of parenting a child now requires super adaptability.
Let's also acknowledge just how parents everywhere have adjusted in the past year. We had behavioural rules, social distancing and heightened awareness of germs. Closed borders impacted everyday lives of families in ways that should have been more documented. Many parents had to work from home and juggle family life in the one space. On a more serious note, new parents would have entered this phase of life under the social distancing restrictions of hospitals. Some families have experienced more or less of these changes. Either way, every parent has adjusted to a new era.
Surviving natural disasters
New natural events are shaking up the lives of parents and everyone else. It has been more than a year since Australians tried to survive extreme amounts of fires before the pandemic started. More recently in March 2021, the east coast of Australia endured days of rain that resulted in flooding. Parents are trying to protect their children from these natural disasters. Stay at home. Keep warm. Be prepared just in case. Even as COVID restrictions eased, serious weather becomes another force preventing people from visiting each other. A child might end up needing to be entertained at home once again. That's if it is safe to stay at home. Living in this wild world, parents are tapping into the evolved survival instinct to protect their families. That is amazing.
Sustainable lifestyles in a changing world
Say what you will about climate change. We all know about humanity's problematic waste in the world - including fast fashion, plastic pollution and food waste to name a few. Many of today's parents are changing their lifestyles to help the planet however they can. It's counter-cultural in the consumerist society but there is a growing movement. These are positive changes for a worthwhile cause. But some eco habits are a bit time-consuming. An eco parent might wash cloth nappies, search to find second hand clothing and cook from scratch more. For those who consider sustainability, they look after their families in very different ways than the previous generation. An eco parent wouldn't simply pick up clothes at K Mart and then chuck a frozen meal in the microwave. This is not said to shame anyone. We all do what we can in our circumstances. My point is, these practices are different and the extra effort is commendable. A sustainable lifestyle should be attainable. Let's just be real and acknowledge the extra effort today's eco parent contributes.
Social media and raising a child
Yes, social media has been around for a while. It has not exactly gone away. It continues to be a complex issue for parents of children at any age. Every parent makes a decision about how much information and imagery will be shared or not shared on social media. Do I really want the world to see my child's birthday celebration, milestones or funny silly moments? Or do I want the child to privately grow up with freedom to be flawed? Is there a balance in which some moments are shared more than others? When will the child start using social media? Congratulations to any parent who has figured this out.
Screen time when staying at home
This one is different compared to previous generations. Households have more screens and more ways to play videos on those screens at any time of the day. I remember, many years ago, the television had five channels. Now there are multiple streaming apps. No human should stare at a screen all day. This is especially important for children.
That being said, online video is relied upon especially in a socially distanced era. Some families prefer balance. Others try a complete ban. That technological shift is happening at a time when families may spend more time at home. A bit of educational age-appropriate screen time could be fun if it is right for the individual. But nobody should get addicted to screens. Parents have quite a decision around screens when already juggling the rest of life's priorities.
Parents try their best in a truly challenging era.
Congratulations to all the parents who are now trying to sustainably raise a family in a socially distanced society that functions online and in wild weather and natural disasters. Parenting really is now an achievement.
Parenting is challenging and rewarding from the beginning. Image: Unsplash