Concepts that transformed my understanding of wellness
My perception of wellbeing completely turned around in recent years. Here are some concepts I learned along the way.
I have added a few affiliate links and advertisements for relevant things. Once again, these words speak my truth. (Peace, MSW)
Listen to your gut
Have you heard about the gut microbiome? It is influenced by the foods we eat, the air we breathe and the people surrounding us. I recommend Fibre Fuelled so often, and I will continue recommending it.
Be like the Blue Zones
The Blue Zones are places where people live longer, healthier lives. We can raise the odds by following simple habits like eating beans.
Holistic ways to boost the brain
We hear about healthy eating and exercise. The Sherzai team also prioritise stress-reduction, sleep and purpose-driven activities.
How do I find purpose? Service. Contributing to the greater good. This purpose must balance with my individual human needs. Fill your cup. Overflow.
Spiritual practice
Belief in a higher power. God, the universe, the collective potential of humanity… we can make peace with the diversity of perspectives. Maybe you found the way for you. Maybe you are still searching. Whatever gets you through the day.
I see a connection between mindfulness and spirituality. Be still. You know the rest of that line.
Abundance mindset
Inspired by the teachings from coaches, I choose to believe in abundance. This means there is more of what we need. Somewhere. I don’t know exactly how things happened when the five thousand were fed. But I know I can buy a bag of dry lentils online for less than a few bucks, and it provides an abundance of food when cooked properly. That’s my sort of miracle.
Green lentil curry and rice - one of the ways to be healthy. Image: MSW