Grown-Up Christmas Presents

When shopping for fellow grown-ups at Christmas time, there is an opportunity to give presents that are simultaneously cheeky and sustainable.

This list ranges from soy candles to organic drinks and pictures of firefighters. Enjoy.

We can give indulgent gifts that are also sustainable. Image: iStock, edited.

This article includes affiliate links and advertisements. I frankly feel proud of the goodies that are included in these paid links.

For those who drink alcohol

Sustainable Himalayan salt glasses

For the eco-crunchy friend who enjoys an occasional drink, you could give tequila glasses from Saltist. They are made from pink or black salt. The Saltist Deluxe Gift Set includes a bottle of Tequila Tromba Reposado and six pink Himalayan salt tequila glasses.

Organic Vegan Wine

Doorstep Organics lists plenty of vegan-friendly wines. You can select organic products within their range.

For those who need to feel pampered

Vegan Collagen

If you want a collagen solution to boost your confidence, try the vegan-friendly Edible Beauty Native Beauty Collagen.

Soy Candles

You can give someone relaxing supplies so they can recover from the year and get through the silly season. The INIKA Organic Ritual Soy & Coconut Candle is calming with scents of rosemary, cedarwood and lavender.

For those who want to choose their own presents

Digital Gift Cards

For those who enjoy sharing gift cards, they can reduce plastic by using digital ones. This is a useful option when you want to give someone a message and some freedom to choose what they want.

For the ones who want to be cheeky and make the world a better place

The Australian Firefighters Calendar

This calendar is more than an opportunity to pin pictures of beautiful men on the wall. It is a fundraiser for charities - including animal rescue organisations and Kids with Cancer.

Although a vegan may be concerned about their support of an equestrian centre, these guys are clearly trying to make the world a better place in various other ways.

Check out the video. It shows a spectacular use of fire and water for effects in the imagery.

There are enough reasons to order The Australian Firefighters Calendar online.

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Melanie Suzanne Wilson

Melanie Suzanne Wilson has a professional background in digital content creation. She is now passionate about conscious living through vegan plant based lifestyle, mindfulness and accessible sustainability.

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