Vegan 101
As Veganuary begins, people explore aspects and benefits of the vegan and plant based lifestyles. This time is an opportunity to get familiar with vegan life and try it out however comfortable and possible. You might have some questions and concerns about this way of life. Here are some hints and answers about some basic questions about veganism.
Which supplement do you have to take?
B12 supplements are said to be the most essential. Other specific nutrients, and also multivitamins, may be helpful for people from particular walks of life. You can talk to your doctor if you have particular needs. At least take B12.
Where do you get protein?
The short answer is: plants have protein. Beans are a simple understandable source of protein. I’m a fan of crispy tofu, thin slices of tempeh or shredded seitan. Those require a bit more understanding, in my opinion.
Are all vegans activists?
Lots of vegans would simply make changes in their own lifestyles without getting involved in activism within broader society.
Do you have to eat vegan mock-meat?
No. You could eat whole proteins as listed above, along with an entirely or mostly whole food plant based diet.
Do you need specialist vegan-branded foods?
You could eat the marketed manufactured ‘plant-based’ food products that happen to also be vegan-friendly. Or could could eat whole plants that are also very affordable and accessibile.
Is a vegan diet affordable or expensive?
A vegan plant based diet can be very affordable when it emphasises whole foods. Potatoes, rice, dry beans and bulk fruits can be cheap. Of course, if you want to splurge on premium products, that is possible too.
What does a vegan eat?
Vegans can eat any styles of foods. There are interesting ways to create the meaty or creamy feel without any animal products. There are also very easy ways to leave out dairy and egg when making sweet treats.
How can you substitute eggs?
It depends on what you are making. If you miss scrambled eggs, create a tofu scramble. Experiment until you have a flavour that you prefer. If you are baking a cake, you might need ground linseed or apple sauce. If stuck, Google it.
Can vegans eat chocolate?
Yes! Lots of dark chocolates are dairy-free. There are also some ‘milky’ vegan chocolates.
Dark chocolate is often vegan-friendly. Image: Unplash.