Ways to live longer according to the experts
Do you ever wonder how to reduce the odds of becoming sick and suffering for years or decades? Anything can happen in life. And sometimes, the worst things happen to the best people for reasons we don’t know. However, wise lifestyle choices can increase our chances of living a happy, healthy life.
I’m not a doctor, and this is not medical advice. However, these experts researched patients and populations to let us know how to thrive in a longer life. It’s about hopefully becoming able to participate in what makes life meaningful over more years.
I skipped the affiliate links for this article. There are a few advertisements for beneficial brands. However, I want these links to be anything that feels useful.
Eating whole foods
You are what you eat. We have all heard the saying. Food has been the foundation of my transformation. I sometimes meet people who mainly consume junk food despite valuing other forms of conscious living - such as mindfulness, community and protecting the rights of fellow beings. Here’s my loving response: you do you. If you want to fill your body with more ultra-processed foods instead of whole plants, that’s your freedom. But have you considered how you might gain more energy and ability to serve others if you nurture your physical body? You might become able to stay involved for more years or be more alert when helping without becoming quite as unwell.
The Blue Zones Food Guidelines recommend going 95-100% plant-based. I personally love the vegan life. But looking at living longer, it’s about what you add and not about what’s taken away.
Reduce Sugar
I must admit, I enjoy a very occasional treat. I might eat a biscuit at my favourite cafe once or twice a month. It’s a bit of fun in moderation. But I don’t keep packets of cookies and cakes at home. You can try the tasty, healthy versions if you are craving sweet treats. I passionately believe more Aussie locations need smoothie bowls and bliss balls in the takeaway shops and cafes.
Rethink Your Consumption of Alcohol
Recommendations go in both directions. The Blue Zones team identified groups that drink wine and live for a long time. Meanwhile, Dr Kristi Funk says even one daily glass changes your chances of getting cancer. Pink Lotus provides an alcohol risk analyser to see how those drinks impact your breast cancer risk. You can search on Youtube for the Sherzai chat with The Exam Room with a catchy title, “Brain Shrinkage From Booze?!” Here’s my reaction. If I happen to be enjoying a special occasion, I might have a sip. I won’t say I’m never drinking alcohol ever again. But I don’t feel the need for it on a regular day or week. That’s my solution. You can do what feels right for you.
Should you drink alcohol when trying to live longer? Is red wine healthy for longevity? Image: Unsplash, edited.
Learn About Gut Health
The gut microbiome is getting plenty of attention. Here’s my one chunky quote because it’s all good, “In a study published online Feb. 18, 2021, by Nature Metabolism, scientists observed that older adults whose mix of gut microbes changed the most over time lived longer than those people with less change in their gut microbiome. The study didn’t prove that an eclectic microbiome directly caused people to live longer. However, such a microbiome was also associated with lower cholesterol levels, faster walking speeds, and higher levels of beneficial blood chemicals — all factors that lengthen the life span,” according to Harvard Health Publishing.
I found the world of gut health through resources from Dr Will Bulsiewicz. Dr Alan Desmond is also a trusted leader in this area. I understand the gut as something that is connected with the brain and body - influenced by foods, air and more.
Discover How Lifestyle Prevents Diseases
We can change our everyday habits to prevent heart disease, obesity, diabetes, etc.
Mindfulness and Spiritual Practice
Meditation is a skill. Any mindful practice takes time. And it’s worth the effort. I attended a ‘yoga school’ that involved chatting about the concepts and practice. A teacher recommended that we maintain any spiritual routine and inner reflection in a form that feels right for our individual needs. I pick one or two practices that fit with my reality at any time. I practice yoga asana when I have the time and energy. Sometimes I swap it for a short recorded meditation if life gets in the way. If you prefer to pray every morning or write in a gratitude journal, go with whatever gets you through the day.
The Sherzai team recommends stress management, nutrition, exercise, sleep, and “complex, real-life and fun activities” to improve brain health. Loma Linda University shared Ayesha Sherzai’s perspective on the benefits of mindfulness. This neurologist sees opportunities to get a break from the urgency-based lifestyle and good or bad stresses and connect with a higher purpose. This is an important point. Why do we want to live a better life for longer? Why do we do anything? A purpose is crucial.
Mindfully Experience Nature
Nature is important for our gut health, mental well-being, spiritual awe, and to connect with the universe. Those goals may help us feel better for more years or decades. Beach or bush, do what feels right. I need to remind myself to put down the phone and computer when focusing on this world’s beauty. Can you unplug and sit with nature?
Creative and Conscious Communities
Researchers have explored how creativity may improve life in later years. Some conclusions, such as this one in 2018, highlight the decrease in loneliness. I will avoid debating whether we can live better lives for longer when only doing solo creative activities. However, I personally saw the impact of isolation during the pandemic, and I feel better when seeing people face-to-face. I feel passionate about community because of personal experience. My grandparents retired at ages that would seem young by today’s standards. They then continued leadership and service in communities for decades. They gained social connection, faith in human capability, continuous learning and routine. That example influenced me throughout my adulthood. I recommend you find communities that feel peaceful and supportive enough. Human nature leads every group to have constructive clashes. And there are some types of good stress. But you need to find your people who transcend the BS of life to work together and create something greater.
Be mindful. Get into nature. Meditate. Image: Pixabay, edited.