Beliefs for boosting confidence this year
Let’s be confident in our capabilities and bravery for 2024. The year may be rewarding but not easy. We may be invited to show up before feeling like we have ‘made it.’ We may have to face our fears. We can be confident in our resilience and potential.
This article’s views are from Melanie Suzanne Wilson.
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Success is not about being the best.
Many people find success for reasons other than being the most book-smart or skilled or scoring highly on an IQ test. Of course, technical ability is essential for particular specialties and professions. But other factors set people ahead even more.
It is about how we connect with the right people. Have you ever visited a doctor who is knowledgeable but quite awkward in conversations? In contrast, have you heard a singer who is alright but not the pretty next Adele - but the personality draws audiences in? Apart from one-on-one interactions, it is also about showing up in communities to connect. I tend to over-commit to this method of building towards success. Everything needs to be within your ability and willingness to overflow with energy. In a balanced manner, we need to connect with the people who appreciate us. Then, we can create value in the world and grow towards success.
The right people matter more because you will not be everyone’s cup of tea. Just like some people like mint ice cream and others don’t, we all prefer different flavours of experiences in life. That is alright. I know I am an acquired taste. Months ago, someone became snappy because I needed to cut back on volunteering for a little while. I didn’t have time to fuss over the details. My health was a priority. The other humans, the understanding ones, are my people. Success doesn’t involve pleasing everyone, bending over backwards and being seen as ‘better’ to everyone. It won’t happen. Someone will be disappointed. Hopefully, someone will be grateful.
You will probably survive your greatest challenge.
Here is what I know for sure. You may feel scared, intellectually stretched, exhausted, discouraged… you will survive your fears.
A community of public speakers raised me. I heard that a few speakers had thrown up during their first speeches. I felt worried about safety when I nearly tripped on tech gear in a narrow speaking area. I felt close to passing out when I tried continuing meetings and speeches during early pregnancy. I can’t believe that was a bit over half a decade ago. I just sat down and then took it steady. But I haven’t heard of anyone actually dying when presenting a speech. Maybe some could have heart attacks on stage. Branching into music, for example, think of what happened to Greg Page (yellow Wiggle) during a fundraiser after the bushfires. But really, how likely is that? You can probably relax and do something in front of people. Find confidence in knowing most fears are harmless.
We have all lived through some experiences that felt like a great survival. I abseiled down a cliff during RYLA when I was seriously terrified of the height. That was more than a decade ago! I continue to feel severe discomfort from a few sensory feelings. I have been married twice and am not ‘in a relationship’ now. I relocated when the border was closed during the pandemic. All of those moments and phases brought discomfort. And I lived. I invite you to claim your confidence despite the wild colours of life.
We can take more action towards change with help from others.
This is a hard one to admit. We live in an individualistic society that puts responsibility on the self instead of society. Although you are the only one who can create the change you need, others can help along the way. You can find guidance, resources, knowledge and a listening ear. Balance is important here again.
You can change the mood around you, even on the most colourful days.
Some moments call for quiet reflection within. Then, we need to branch out. I am facing a whole list of life changes at the moment. After crumbling emotionally a couple of times, calmly tearing up, I knew I wanted to uplift the energy of those around me. There are some activities where I mentally leave all external concerns at the door as much as possible. Sure, thoughts flood through in the physical stillness. Did I order enough veggies? Which train should I catch? Then, trailing off to the more serious stuff. Mindfulness is a whole issue in itself. But I like to visit those shadows and then lean back to the light.
Be inspired by leaders and quotes.
Look to the great people who achieved more than they could imagine. Glennon Doyle says we can do hard things. Oprah progressed from a disadvantaged apartheid in rural Mississippi to living her life of purpose. The internet provides lists of inspirational quotes and examples of people who reached worldly success at older ages. We can also look to the people around us. I follow local spiritual leaders who changed their lives - whether their existence became better or just different. It changed.
Remember how you overcame anything in the past to show what you can do in the future.
I also look at my own life. Honestly, I felt a struggle in the last few years. I barely felt like I was bouncing back from what I lost in the pandemic. I felt other great losses. Some of these life events called me to reinvent myself. And I did. When you look back at your life, you can identify any small or great moment in which you succeeded past adversity. If you did it in the past, you can find confidence in your ability to succeed again.
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