Reusable menstrual products
In these times of economic uncertainty and environmental change, sustainable alternatives really could make a difference. Reusable menstrual products could help women's budgets and contribute to a cleaner planet. Disposable period products have been a significant form of waste going to landfill. The feminine hygiene industry is discovering very sustainable alternatives. Options typically include menstrual cups, washable reusable cloth menstrual pads and period underwear. They are easily usable and comfortable. There are affordable options that cost less in the long termand sometimes the short term. Sustainable period supplies are the best solution for many people who menstruate.
Eco natural washable cloth menstrual pads. Image - iStock, Pixlr.
Why switch to reusable period products
Save the planet and your wallet by investing in quality reusable period supplies. Reusable menstrual products benefit the environment by reducing waste. They can also become financially more affordable in the long term.
Environmental impact of disposable feminine hygiene products
Sustainable menstrual products are needed because they reduce the amount of garbage that ends up in landfill. Disposable pads and tampons become pieces of rubbish, ending up in landfill or elsewhere. According to National Geographic, "over the course of a lifetime, a single menstruator will use somewhere between 5 and 15 thousand pads and tampons, the vast majority of which will wind up in landfills as plastic waste." That is a lot of waste from each individual person. That linked National Geographic article is worth a read for the in-depth look at the history of menstrual products in the US. Similar consumer products are sold in countries around the world, including Australia.
Menstrual cup as an eco alternative. Image: Pixabay, creative commons.
Plastic is in more than the packaging, according to that National Geographic article. "Tampons come wrapped in plastic, encased in plastic applicators, with plastic strings dangling from one end, and many even include a thin layer of plastic in the absorbent part. Pads generally incorporate even more plastic, from the leak-proof base to the synthetics that soak up fluid to the packaging." A single disposable menstrual product usually contains multiple forms of garbage that would likely pollute the environment in many ways.
Eco talk is not about shaming
These facts can give plenty of motivation to go sustainable instead. It is not about shaming women for looking after themselves with the products they can access. This is about seeing opportunities for new hygienic habits.
Cloth is not too much effort
We are all busy with something (or everything). Cloth sanitary supplies can be time-efficient. It shouldn't impose on an already busy day. Washable cloth menstrual pads can be kept in a wet bag during the day. Toss the pads in the washing machine with the rest of the laundry when possible. Some brands of period underwear may be absorbent enough to last the whole day. So there may be no need to change and wash it before an evening laundry session.
Compact folded menstrual pad - iStock
Lower cost in the long term
Reusable products can have a lower financial cost over the long term. Period underpants last for months or more. Wear and tear depends on how often they are used and washed. This will also be based on how many underpants are kept in a collection. Cloth period pads can last a while depending on the various materials. Menstrual cups are said to last up to ten years. This is a great saving in comparison to the repeated monthly spend on disposables. There is a great feeling when you don't have to hurry to the store at that time of the month. Everything you need will already be at home. It is one less thing to worry about in the monthly budget.
Personalised to your needs
Menstrual cups are available in different sizes based on flow, body shape and other factors. Most brands offer plenty of information on their web sites to guide this decision.
Cloth pads, in particular, are now made with different styles for diverse women's personal preferences. A teenager or young adult might enjoy funky prints on a cloth pad. Liven up that otherwise gloomy time of the month. Serious professional ladies could prefer a plain block colour. Super-eco women may seek out organic natural pads with less dyes. Washable cloth menstrual pads also come in a few options based on flow and size. There are also different shapes. Some reusable pads are quite rectangular. Others have a more round shape. There is a style of cloth pad for everyone.
Of course, menstrual underwear can be chosen based on fit and style. It should be available in sizes that are similar to that of normal clothing (but check the measurements because women's clothing sizes are not standardised). There are also a few different materials. Some menstrual underwear brands may have vegan options with no wool. Brands should list enough materials so users can make an informed decision.
Reusable washable cloth menstrual pad. Image by iStock.
Reusable menstrual products that fit the individual's lifestyle
Every person that menstruates can find a reusable menstrual product that fits the individual's lifestyle and needs. Someone with a busy work day may want period underwear that lasts all day. When staying at home, a person may enjoy the fresh feeling of changing reusable pads more frequently. Some people are switching from tampons and then prefer a menstrual cup. Know what feels right for your body and your life.
This post was updated to include links to recommended products and also paid affiliate advertisements.