What I did when I ran out of store-bought soy milk
Ran out of milk (of the plant based variety)? Whatever you’re into, the milk probably runs out sometime. I got stuck with this problem one morning. So I got creative with a solution.
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I tossed some oats and cashews into my Thermomix with some water. Then blended the mixture. I felt alright with the result. This homemade plant based milk felt a bit more creamy than a plain oat milk. When I poured the liquid onto my Weet-Bix, it felt a bit too thick. Maybe I need a natural nut milk bag to strain the mixture more finely.
Despite the very experimental nature of this solution, it inspires future possibilities. I encourage you to try making your own plant based milk with different ingredients from the kitchen.
Keep in mind, I would usually prefer a store-bought fortified soy milk. That provides more peace of mind. But I very occasionally go DIY and continue using supplements.
Ran out of milk? It happens. Until you can get to the store, there are solutions. Image: Unsplash.